Archive | December 2014

I’m Back to Work

This has been a rather busy time for me. I have finally gotten things all pulled together to set up a shop to sell my chain maille jewelry. I have taken some webinars, read books, practiced photography – a whole new area but very important to have decent pictures for potential customers. Jewelry is kind of a specialty. I will always be learning and taking lots of shots.

I couldn’t even order business cards until I decided on a name, set up a store and a website, everything I might want printed. This involved culling and uploading pictures, taking care of descriptions, including measurements of pieces. The website is actually a blog site, and I adapted it to how I wanted the site to flow – or nearly how I wanted it. I am still going to work on it.

As I was getting near to setting up a shop on Etsy, my computer died, the motherboard – so I had to buy a new computer and transfer old data – lots of pictures – and figure out how to use Win 8.1 operating system. I rather like it, but there was a surprising learning curve. (Another delay) It seems Microsoft is aiming to keep the pc, tablet, and smart phones more standard. The PC did not come loaded with as much as it used to be, but it has easy access to online stores to download apps (many free). I read recently that 81% of the country now has online access, so we are now relying on it to download software and upload and store data in the Cloud. Once I realized there was still the desktop, but the start bar had changed (improved, in my opinion) to a full-page, with better links to other programs and websites, I have enjoyed using it.

Little by little, I am getting more accomplished, but less actual jewelry making. I will be happy to get back to that soon. I am pleased with the business cards. I decided to design my own, with a background I photographed and faded to allow print to be readable. Since all my locations are nearly the same name, it is a little redundant, but it does get my name across.

business card

So, this is it, my shop is open. As it shows on the cards:
my Etsy store is
my website is
I am keeping pictures of all of my inventory on the website, and since it is set up like a blog, the newest entries will show up first. I am putting more items in the Etsy shop, but it takes a while to fill out the form, so it will be gradual. I would appreciate anyone spreading the word, and I will do custom pieces as my material inventory and knowledge allow.